Mastering could be better...
To take care of that static on the high end during the build, try decreasing the resonance or lower the appropriate frequency. Nice job on the low end tho. I felt myself going deff like i just came out of the club lol.
Mastering could be better...
To take care of that static on the high end during the build, try decreasing the resonance or lower the appropriate frequency. Nice job on the low end tho. I felt myself going deff like i just came out of the club lol.
I love the ending too, I put the final up if you wanna take a listen
Agree with all of the reviews before me. Other tips:
You have really thick compression on this song. Understandable, considering the pounding of the bassline (which is well done, by the way). Not sure how you mixed it, maybe throw more compression on just the bassline track. First snare needs to be a bit louder. Choir sample sounds kinda bad, but I know as well as any musician that good choir samples are hard to find. Nice job mixing up the drum loop at the 2'08" mark.
Keep in mind that in a hip-hop song, everything should follow the drums. They should really be louder than anything else in the song.
I listened to some of your later songs, and you seem to have left all the problems this song has behind, so I'm not to worried.
Thank you for favoriting my song, I really appreciate it. If you have any criticism for anything else I have, holla!
~DJ Frost
Compression was still a relatively new thing to me when I made that track, something I'm way better at now. This song was actually made before any of the other stuff I posted on here, so I didn't figure it would make sense to post it after everything I already had put up. I showed a couple of people the track, and since I lost the computer with the FL file on it, I couldn't re-work it to make it sound better. I might take the computer to a friend who fixes hard drives, so I can slave it to my current and extract all of my older music.
Anyway, thanks for the review.
Alright, but...
That bass synth you threw in at the 1'36" mark really threw of the rest of the song. I would throw in some good ol eurotrance instead. The intro could have been about two or four bars shorter. That high TS404 synth that came in around the 47" mark was pretty cool though. Sorry but I just think that bass synth just really hurt the song.
It's an electro house song dawg.
You're giving it a low score because of it's genre, that's just not cool.
Learn to be a little more open?
Here's what I would suggest.
Turn up the drums a tad bit louder. In rap, you want the drum set to be the loudest section of the song. The samples also need to be better quality (and trust me, I know good samples are hard to find.) I'm also not sure what kind of theme you want this song to have. I will say that you have a lot of good ideas, and I really like the transition to the new melody at the "36 mark. If you mix this up a lil bit, go on and resubmit it. Message me and I'll review it again.
I know what you mean though and yea i get to the drums. I didnt eq anything yet or compress but some of those instruments you hear are from a fantom x except the bell like sound, thats from the fm-7 plugin. I do need to mix it up a bit and thanks for honesty.
Better than the original
And I mean that. Conclusion was a little weak, but who gives two shits? Nice work.
lol Thanks for the review. He did say something at the end but didn't know if it was appropriate for all ages. ;)
This is what i think.
For 25 seconds, that song was pretty good. Could have used some more original touches, though. But then again, you wanted the soung to be a remake, not a remix.
Exactly. That was the feel i was going for. The original is a bit quieter, and it has no drums. I made it sound a bit more intense. Thanks for stopping by :)
Awesome song.
This song is a work of art. The melody is great. The transitions are great. The synths are great. My only suggestion would be be to add more high-end synth. Sounds like nearly all the synth is in the middle-2-low frequency range. But whatever, you still see me give this song a 10. Check out some of my stuff sometime and tell me what you think.
yea man, im aware this is mostly bass. Near the end its more high end, but I was just playing around with basses (listen to it with a sub). I'll check ur stuff out
This is pretty good.
The length of the intro was kinda long tho. And you don't change the melody or instruments up that much. However, what you do have sounds pretty good. With a little more variation, I would give it a 10.
Yes I agree, there is always room for revision. However, I like how this particular incarnation sounds. When I go back to work on this the result will not be a revision of this song but an entirely different entity. Thank you for your comments and constructive criticism.
First one got around to reviewing...
Very melodic, and I mean that in a good way. Much of the "annoying distortion" can be remedied by compressing the high end on that instruments mixer track. Some steady string samples wouldn't hurt, but hey, it's your song, not mine. I like the direction you're trying to go with the song tho. Do work.
Wow, I never really knew how to use the compressors and stuff , so I always avoided them, but next time I will try it out.
thx thx :]
Age 39, Male
Joined on 4/22/05